Causes And Cures Of A Hemorrhoid Flare Up

There are dozens of easy and effective hemorrhoid treatments that are appropriate for use in the home. For example, the most popular options include fiber supplements, topical products, medicated pads and warm sitz baths. Those cases that are most severe, will occasionally need surgery. The following article will aid your understanding of what causes hemorrhoids, and how you can effectively relieve them when they happen.

A long-term, effective solution to help prevent uncomfortable, irritating, painful hemorrhoids is to merely adopt a high-fiber diet. Add foods with lots of fiber to your diet. These include green, leafy vegetables and whole grains. The two major benefits of a high-fiber diet are that it prevents strain during bowel movements and it prevents constipation.

If you are currently suffering from hemorrhoids, keeping the infected area clean is important. After each bowel movement, use pre-moistened towelettes instead of plain toilet paper. Warm sitz baths are helpful at relieving the swelling and discomfort of hemorrhoids. Soak for at least 20 minutes.

A great supplement to take if you have hemorrhoids is Rutin. One common cause of hemorrhoids is compromised blood vessels. Rutin helps vitamin C absorb and can strengthen blood vessels. It is generally found in citrus fruits, as well as in vegetables, such as broccoli and onions. If you take rutin as a supplement, then you want to take around 500mg a day.

Alternating ice and heat is a good way to treat hemorrhoids at home. The alternation of extreme temperature causes the hemorrhoids to shrink and disappear. Keep the ice on the affected area at least ten minutes every day, then follow it up with moist, warm heat for twenty minutes.

While a nasty case of hemorrhoids may seem like the end of the world, relief is just around the corner. A good recommendation for you is to take a sitz bath a few times each day, for around 10 minutes every time. Try using a cold compress on the area of inflammation for some additional relief.

Witch Hazel

You can use witch hazel to help deal with the uncomfortable side effects of hemorrhoids. It has astringent qualities able to reduce the size of, and cut blood flow to the hemorrhoid, prompting healing to begin. Treat the affected area for about 10 minutes with a cotton swab that has been soaked in witch hazel; you can also add witch hazel to a warm sitz bath.

Consider using witch hazel as a treatment for discomfort and pain. Witch hazel is a great astringent that can constrict your hemorrhoid tissue, which can relieve and heal them. Apply the witch hazel with a cotton ball and leave on for 5 to 10 minutes, or add it to a sitz bath.

Good hydration is important for anyone who tends to suffer from hemorrhoids. Proper hydration contributes to softer stools that are easier to pass. To maximize your hydration success, avoid dehydrating beverages, such as those containing caffeine or alcohol.

Ice Pack

Drinking plenty of water can help to reduce the symptoms and growth of hemorrhoids. Drinking plenty of water each day softens your stool naturally. It is also a good idea to avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible.

Did you know that there are several things in your kitchen to help relieve some common symptoms of hemorrhoids? One way to relieve the discomfort of hemorrhoids is to make your own ice pack. The ice pack can help with decreasing soreness from your hemorrhoids. When applied to the affected area, ice packs will lower the build up of your hemorrhoids.

Take a comfortable pillow with you if you’re planning on sitting for any length of time. You can sometimes feel uncomfortable with these, but they can make your life much easier when you use these enough, so take some time to use cushions when possible.

Interestingly, your refrigerator likely holds one of the most commonly used home remedies for hemorrhoid discomfort. One simple remedy is an old-fashioned ice pack. Ice packs can numb the pain and reduce swelling. This can decrease your inflammation and help to provide relief.

Don’t rely on laxatives to treat hemorrhoids. Laxatives are for occasional use, not a long term remedy. Ongoing constipation issues should be addressed through dietary adjustments.

Fiber loaded foods will help soften stool, especially if you drink plenty of water. Because hemorrhoids are often caused by straining, it may be wise to get your stool softer. Papaya, grapes and watermelon are all great examples of food that helps you to soften your stool. Other high fiber foods, such as okra and cabbage, will also aid elimination. In addition, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help prevent hemorrhoids.

One of the things that cause hemorrhoids is too much straining during bowel movements. Eating less processed food and drinking lots of water will make your stools softer, and thus require less straining to pass. Squatting is a great method of having a bowel movement that avoids straining. As you sit on your toilet, put a small stool beneath your feet. Hemorrhoids are not a common occurrence among places in the world where the people squat to produce a bowel movement.

As already revealed, there are many beneficial treatments available to deal with the painful effects of hemorrhoids. Remember, surgery is only recommended in the worst hemorrhoid cases. When you learn what causes you pain, you can also learn what to do to prevent that and you can actually help relieve any chance you have of an outbreak.